The Interfaith Council of Greater Springfield is a Voluntary Association.

The Council desires to be inclusive of all who want to be at the interfaith table. We acknowledge that some come from large denominations and others from small faith communities, or from secular community allies. We also acknowledge that some religions have much higher numbers in our community than others. This structure is designed to give voice proportionately and with flexibility, adapted to the demographic makeup of the Greater Springfield area.

Membership categories for the Council are outlined below. Each year at the annual June meeting, members will determine the category of membership and dues that best meets their current circumstances, and delegations will identify voting members for that year.

The purpose of varying categories is to create balanced representation among all faith traditions on the council while reflecting the faith groups represented in the population of the greater Springfield area. (If, for example, there are many representatives of one faith group, and if they are part of a judicatory, they could become a member of category A where all would continue to have voice but be limited to three voting members.) The various categories are not meant to discriminate but rather to create a degree of balanced representation among all of the faith traditions in the Council. Each tradition is held in the highest esteem by all members.

Category A: Judicatory, governing body, or a specific faith affiliation with voice and vote.

  • Dues: $400.00/year
  • Up to 3 voting members

Category B: A large individual faith community with voice and vote

  • Dues: $250.00/year
  • Up to 2 voting members

Category C: A small individual faith community with voice and vote.

  • Dues: $150.00/year
  • 1 voting member

Category D: Affiliate organizations and individual persons: voice but no vote. (Like minded groups, organizations and persons who resonate with the mission statement and are willing to actively support the work of the Council.)

  • Dues: Voluntary ($100.00 recommended amount)
  • Voice but no vote

Contact us for more information about membership.