ICGS Atlanta statement, March 18, 2021

The Interfaith Council of Greater Springfield cares deeply about the common humanity of all people. As such, we condemn the recent violence in Georgia, targeting primarily women of Asian descent. We join others – locally and around the country – in calling for justice and for an end to identity-based violence and oppression. We extend prayerful solidarity to those who mourn these senseless killings. We bear sad-but-steady witness to the recent rise in racist violence and white supremacist ideology. In this era of racial and social reckoning, we remain resolved by faith to stand together. Together, we uphold the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and we remain committed to working in our local contexts to ensure adequate protection, inclusion, love, and justice for our Asian and Pacific Islander American siblings… and for all.



© 2019 Interfaith Council of Greater Springfield

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